Hair Care

Risks of Diverted Hair Products

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    We've all been there. We love the way our hair looks and feels after our stylist takes care of it, and they told us what to use to recreate it at home.... and it's $120 of product. Disappointed we tell the person at the register that we will be back to get them after pay day. The next day while grocery shopping we find the same shampoo and conditioner for sale and a fraction of the price! We excitedly take it home, and send a DM to our stylist to let them know the great deal we just got. They don't seem excited? What's wrong? We bought the product they recommended, and it seems like they are just mad that we didn't buy from them.

     Well, here's the truth. For a lot of stylists we support products that have a diversion-free guarantee. Diversion is when a product is suppose to be sold at a particular place or places, but it is found being sold somewhere not authorized by the manufacturer, or by a person/company not licensed to sell the product. Diversion isn't just for haircare products. Diversion is when you find store brand product at a different store. Or, if you go to the website of a product and it says exclusively at Target, but you find the product at Wal-Mart. That's diversion.

     The problem with diversion is that you can't guarantee the quality of a product when it is being sold by someone/some place not authorized to sell it. It raises questions, "Where did they get it from? How old is the product? How do they know that what's inside is what the packaging says it is?". None of these things can be guaranteed if the product wasn't sold to the retailer by an authorized/licensed wholesaler.

     Working in an industry that diversion plays such a destructive part of our professional lives, it causes a strong urgency to address this issue. To plead with you as a consumer not to purchase products from unauthorized dealers. Your stylist isn't being greedy or selfish. They are concerned that your Olaplex shampoo you bought at the grocery store won't do what its suppose to, and instead will cause damage to your already fragile hair. They are frustrated that you now hate their favorite purple shampoo because you bought it at the grocery store and it  turned your hair green, because it actually was more blue than violet. We are concerned that the hair you pay good money to get cut and colored will be ruined/damaged/dried out by products that aren't what they are supposed to be. We are sad that you believe we would use low-quality products instead of believing us that buying it at the drug store isn't the same as buying it from an authorized/licensed retailer.  We only want the best for you and your hair.

     If you ever have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out! You can email us at or text us at 281-800-4770.

     P.S. the most common licensed retailer of beauty products is ULTA, and we get it they have amazing deals, if you do want to support your stylist, but you can get the product cheaper at ULTA, ask your stylist if they will price match for you. Not all will, but they should always appreciate the gesture that you want to support them and you are being clear about why. Even if we can't we still appreciate that you are using REAL products that are quality guaranteed by being non-diverted.

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