Hair Care

Our Favorite Ways to Care for Your Hair

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Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

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We spend a lot of time meeting, talking with each other, and coming up with ways to help make sure that every guest has options that cater to their needs. So, recently we have made some big changes, but one we are super excited about is now offering a menu for your to work with us in deciding how to care for your hair. (Menus attached below).

Like we've talked about in a recent blog we believe that whether you come to Innovative Looks, or you go to any salon anywhere else, transparency is crucial for you to love your hair. Transparency means we have given you realistic expectations, we have educated you about your natural hair, and then we have prepared you with the knowledge and tools to continue to care for your hair at home.

We offer a variety of treatments, from the basic deep treatments which are a weekly mask that provide a specific benefit, protein treatments that help rebuild hair - these often do NOT provide moisture and we typically recommend pairing with a deep treatment, Olaplex treatments are a bond builder that helps restore hair and prevent further damage, Malibu treatments where we focus on removing build up, or previous color, and we have several CBD hair treatment options which focus on healing the hair and scalp and provide moisture and repair for the hair.

When you come into the salon we believe this is your time to relax, unwind, and practice some self-love. And, getting the right treatment for your hair is a crucial part of that care to make sure that your hair looks and feels its best, and makes you overall feel and look your best. While the options available at different salons may vary we highly encourage you to ask questions and find the one that is right for you, so you can see and feel the difference in your hair.

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